Nathan and Sarah, a wedding for the whole family

In most weddings, two people come together and become one. In this wedding, those two brought along a posse to make one big happy family. Nathan and Sarah make a great couple, and together with their children they make a great family. This marriage is a beautiful example of two people finding themselves and each other at the right time. If you watch closely, you’ll see that Nathan and Sarah look at each other in Read more…

DJ and Milissa, happily married

April showers bring May flowers, but in this case, they also bring together two wonderful young people. DJ and Milissa got married in April and the wind and rain were merely footnotes in the story of their day. Weddings like this keep me coming back for more — I absolutely love seeing two young people who are truly in love and full of energy and promise.

Jen and Bryan, blown away together

The wind was strong, their love was stronger. Bryan and Jen were married the other day and I was lucky enough to be their photographer. The forecast called for rain and wind and general unpleasantries, but none of that could hold these two back. The venue was Over the Vines near Edgerton, WI, and with a big red barn for the reception and a expansive green lawn for the wedding, it was perfect. This was Read more…

Angie and Jacob, rain or shine

It is weddings like this one that reinvigorate me. They remind me why I got married, they remind me why I love photographing weddings, they remind me why family and friends are so important. They remind me that I’m alive. From having all 8 grandparents in attendance to kissing in the rain under an umbrella, this wedding was full of life’s purest energy. Angie and Jacob are a great couple and it shows in every Read more…

Paula + Jason, a wedding to remember

Paula and Jason just got married at Tagalong Golf Resort up in Birchwood, Wisconsin and I was lucky enough to be their photographer. The weather was perfect, the dress was perfect, the cake was perfect, and these two are perfect for each other. I absolutely love to photograph weddings when I see two people who care so much about each other — Paula and Jason are great people and an even better couple. I wish Read more…

Photographer’s Cheat Sheet

I’ve been working on the notes I’ll be using for a beginner’s photo class I’ll be teaching and out of that preparation has come a cheat sheet of high-level concepts that I tend to repeat over and over. I always state that photography can be broken down into two components: Lighting and Composition — if you don’t have those two things, you don’t have a good photograph. Of course, this doesn’t take emotion and the Read more…


I have been blessed with some great weddings over the past 11 years, but it’s time to set this gig aside for a while. Sometimes I forget how much work and effort goes into photographing a wedding — planning and preparation, the day of the wedding, the hours of post-production, the album design, etc. When I do something, I put everything I have into it, and I can honestly say that I put my best Read more…

A Thanksgiving wedding in Madison

When you think of Thanksgiving, you usually think of turkey, food coma, football and shopping (at least, that’s what I typically think of). Emily and Lee, on the other hand, think of throwing one helluva wedding party. For their special day, they chose to have the ceremony at Monona Terrace and the reception at the Concourse Hotel. In between, we had some time to stop by the Overture Center for some pictures. The whole day Read more…

Cory + Jessica, a Dells wedding

For those of you with a long memory, you may remember an engagement session I did with Cory and Jessica over a year ago. Sometimes you just have to wait for a good thing, and this wedding was well worth the wait. It’s weddings like this that remind me that Wisconsin Dells is only an hour from Madison and that I should get up there more often. C&J chose to have an outdoor wedding up Read more…

A red and white UW alumni wedding

Paul and Kristen live in Chicago, but they met on the campus of UW Madison. When they were planning their wedding, they knew it had to be in Madison and it had to come with a heavy dose of Red and White. They got their wish and had everything from a stroll down State Street (Abbey Road style), a seat in the big yellow chair at the Memorial Union Terrace, a windy September day (sorry, Read more…